Friday, February 1, 2008

Charity Bazaar

Today, there was a charity bazaar at school. I took photos, but again, most of the photos aren't related to the bazaar, just a few. Here are the photos.

Candies! 'Mentos' is one of my favorite candies.

Ooh... 'The Calculator~'

Kit-kat!!! I want it!

Fetuccini... Mm...

I dunno what plant is that, but I like the middle part.

Do you know what this is? It's is a basketball ring.

Straws... Yellow straws...

This is an umbrella...

This is the inside of an umbrella.

The winning photo!!! Crayons!

So, that's the picture I took today. What do you think? Actually the one I like is the basketball ring, but my dad said it wasn't good because people can't see what it is, the crayons are better he said. It was raining at the bazaar, and even though it was indoor, there were leaks and i didn't want the camera to be wet and I have to work in the bazaar too, because it's the students who are selling stuff. The stuff I took, like the fetuccini, Kit-kat, and Mentos were the things we sold. So, I think that's enough for today's photos. See you again with more photos!

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