Saturday, January 26, 2008

At Sunda Kelapa...

Last Sunday, I went to Sunda Kelapa port. It was once an International port in Indonesia. Me, my mom, my dad, and my lil' bro went there together. At first, i thought that my dad was interested in the boats or wanted to show me the history (by the way, i'm weak in history), so I just thought of staying in the car. I went thee once on a field trip at school, and the boats were huge! And I'm not interested in big boats anyway, just the fish. On the way, I listened to my mom's iPod that I borrowed. Right now, I like to listen to 3 songs:
  • Amrita (Makino Yui) (Tsubasa Chronicle)
  • Believe (Kajiura Yuki) (Tsubasa Chronicle)
  • Demon God of Scandinavia (I dunno, but it's good!) (Matantei Loki Ragnarok)
I like to listen to 'Believe' and 'Demon God of Scandinavia' because right now, I'm wanting to learn how to play the violin, but since my mom said that I should think about it first, I dicided to just first listen to some songs played with violin. In no time, we arrived at Sunda Kelapa port. Like I said, big boats, or ships. And, my dad actually wanted to take photos there. I thought that it was boring, but the others left the car, so I decided to tag along with them, or I'll end up waiting in the car for hours. So my dad found a good spot for taking photos. there were many photographers there, but I dunno if they were only doing it for hobby or if they're proffesionals. I tagged along with my dad, because now I'm also interested in photography. I was my dad's assisstant. He 'instructed' me to bring his tripod or become his model (I'll show you the photo in other posts). My dad and I climbed on a boat that is for taking pictures for photographers. There was a photographer who was working with 2 models, and there wasa blond photographer. I think he was using sony cybershot or like the usual rectangular digital camera. It was fun, taking pictures on a boat, and the view was great! My dad had a problem, because he only has a couple of shots left in his memory card, s he has to delete some pictures and he sometimes lost a chance to capture a good photo. We finally finished at around 7. I asked my dad if I could borrow the his camera to take a picture of the moon. It was quite hard for me, because first of all, the camera's heavy, and I'm not used to carrying a big camera, ussually I use the Kodak one. Second, I have to face the camera to the sky, and it makes the camera even heavier for me. Third, the cloud keeps blocking the moon when I was ready to take a picture of it. But I finally got 2 successful photo of the moon that i'm quite proud of ^^. After that, i went home. We ate at a noodle store that's famous in Indonesia, Bakmi GM (Gajah Mada, it's the name of a hero in Indonesia). When I went home, I feel happy and a bit worried, because i haven't done my English homework, that is to make a 200 words paragraph describing our favorite celebrity, and it's due tommorow TT_TT. And I was very tired, I wanna sleep but, my teacher's gonna keep me in class after school if I dont do it, so, i did it until about 11 PM (well, I did it while surfing the internet too~). At last! After that I slept well, but I was still tired and sleepy the next day. But at least it was a fun experience! I look forward for more photo shoots!

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